Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ancient Ruins

Dear Ruins,

Keep your head up. Yeah, you've seen better days, but people like how ruined you are. That's a big part of the appeal, apparently. Nice ruins? Stupid. Nobody wants those. I like my ruins looking so bad they barely resemble anything at all, just strewn about chunks of former building and stone. If the Sphinx had a nose right now, I take a chisel to its face and then say "You're Welcome."

That's just how I roll.


A Ruiner

How to Ruin Ancient Ruins


  1. Ruined ruins are so hot right now.

  2. I agree with the grandpa every single one of them. Jesus shouldnt be played by a jew? Jesus is a jew right?
    And wrongrace actors - good call, rememeber Denzel Washington in Shakespeare's play "Much ado about nothing?" and his English delivery through his whistle teeth? ENT specialist revenue booster.

  3. Awwww, when Mr Forthright has to be edited that much, it might be time to put him down like a rabid dog. Sleep well, Ol' Yeller, sleep well.

  4. Is this Brad Pitt?

  5. Ruins are great! I can't wait till the house I live in is in ruins!

  6. I'm renaming the aging exterior of my home "ruins." I'd take a picture for you but then I'd have to charge you an admission fee. Thanks for this.

  7. Fill the ruins with animals in heat..... hahaha.

  8. And when the ruiner becomes the ruined....
